Beth Bradfish Readies January 14th Performance
Sunday, January 14th, the Chicago Composers Orchestra is performing Beth Bradfish’s piece Fanfare with Singing Insects of South Pond, Lincoln Park. Bradfish is a groundbreaking electronic composer whose works are as heartfelt as they are daring. Incorporating field recordings of people and places that she loves, Bradfish’s work has an emotional immediacy that lends it an incredible power.
Also on the program are works by Tomeka Reid, Larry Axelrod, and George Walker.
Tickets are available here, and the piece invites audience participation. Willing participants are encouraged to download one of the following audio files and be ready to play it back on their phone when they are directed to do so. You can download your choice of file here, here, here, or here.
The performance will be held January 14th, 8:30pm at Constellation (3111 N Western Ave, Chicago 60618).Running sports | Sneakers Nike